7 Days of Vegan Dinners
Well that was an awesome week!!In November of last year, a co-worker of mine asked if I had ever considered trying out a vegan diet and them sharing ig with you all. My first thought was I'm not sure too many people would be interested in hearing how that went. However; then I thought about it more and I thought perhaps it would be cool as a chance to try out some different recipes and then share them after. So, I did a Instagram poll to find out if people would infact be interested and low and behold, huge feedback saying "Yes, do it!".After all is said and done, I really enjoyed it! It challenged me to cook outside of the norm recipes for me (I'm a crock pot cooking kind of gal) and it also challenged me to cook when I came home from work, which isn't always the easiest, but it gave me the chance to include my daughter in some of it. She loves cooking with me so it was a great thing for us!Below are the recipes I used this week and the links to where you can find them!Summer Harvest Soup- Oh She Glows- because this recipe was in her cookbook, I can't find the exact one online however; I have found a similar one of hers and linked in here
Slow Cooker Coconut Quinoa Curry- Simply Quinoa
15 Minute Creamy Avocado Pasta-Oh She Glows
Leftovers and Veggies - There is no recipe for this, I just used a vegan patty from the store. Just goes to show it doesn't have to be fancy, to still be sticking to a food plan.
Buffalo Cauliflower Wraps- This Savoury Vegan
Mushroom Risotto- Wallflower KitchenI hope some of you will try these out- they really we're all delicious!Hugs and Kisses,