The first two years we rented a different cottage in the Muskokas that was dog friendly (of course the pooch has to come too!), but this past year we rented a cottage from a friend instead! A gorgeous cottage, right on the water, with a big dock for lounging. We had perfect weather! It rained overnight the first night we were there, but otherwise, completely sunny! The only other rain we had was the day we were packing up to come home.
We spent most of our time outside, which was just so refreshing for my soul. Being connected with nature, and the ground has a very sneaky way of bringing you back to your centre. The fresh air and the simplicity allows for self-directed adventure! We went on couple canoe rides. It was Clara’s first time in a canoe. She was a little bit nervous at first because of the unsteadiness, but by the end of the week, she was confidently listing off all the things we passed by on our “canoe adventure” without feeling the need to death grip the boat!

I was able to spend some time kayaking on my own. I am a huge sun worshipper, and my hubby isn’t as much, so during naptimes he would hang out in the cottage and I would get the afternoons to myself. It was so quiet up there, and especially kayaking the river during the week, when no one was up at their cottages, all you could hear was my paddle in the river and the wind in the trees.

This year was another first for Clara, she caught her first fish! Even before we went up to the cottage, as daddy was packing up his fishing rods, she confidently said, “Where’s my rod?” She asked to fish every single day and I think in total she caught about 7-10 little fish. She also loved watching them swim around off the dock. We saw so much in the water! Crae fish, zebra muscles and sea weed!
Speaking of swimming, we did TONS of that. Me, Clara and of course our Newfie/Lab mix pooch. We could not keep her out of the water!