21 Day Fix Results I Did Not Anticipate
This past Saturday I wrapped up my 21 Day Fix challenge that I completed with a couple other women. It was amazing to have people along on the journey and even more exciting to see other people’s results along the way!The reason that I decided to embark on this challenge again (as I have already done it before) is that I was feeling like I needed a little bit of a reset.I had tried a supplement that was just making me feel bloated and put me in a little bit of a rut. My body was asking for something that it knew was going to help it flush out and feel fresh again! I am a HUGE fan of the 21 Day Fix program. The workouts are effective and hard and they only last for 30 minutes, which makes it easy to incorporate in my day! What I love even more about the program is the container eating and portioning. First, I will start by saying that I am not a fan of crash, fad diets. I will not argue they do give you immediate, and usually drastic results, however the reality is that for most people- maintaining these diets is not something that can happen longer term, and the chances of the weight creeping back on are much higher. There is a saying out there, it says that the slower it comes off that was it the most sustainable ongoing. It has taken me since April to lose 20 pounds, 22 weeks. That was not even a pound a week, but will make for an easy time to keep it off.Ok, back to the containers- why do I love them so much! There are a variety of reasons why I think the containers are different than your typical weight loss program, and that is because they teach you fundamental thing about portioning and nutrition that you can then take with you as you move forward on your journey. It teaches you about proper portion sizes. For the record, before I started this the first time, I was so off on my carb servings, they were too large, and my veggie servings were not big enough. Now as you start to learn what the sizes of the containers look like poured out onto a plate, you can start to scoop the right amount without having the containers one day! The other thing I love about the containers is that they educate you on the amounts of things that you should be eating in a day. Guaranteed, a lot of us, myself included, are not getting the amount of protein that we need in a day for example. Protein is so important; it helps you to stay fuller longer, it helps with building muscle mass (remember muscles help to burn fat), it helps develop bone density and it helps you to sleep better! The amount of vegetable servings in a day is something that I needed to be reminded of because I struggle with eating enough. Depending on the calorie intake that you need in the day for this program, which is based off your weight and activity level, you might need up to 6 servings of veggies daily! It forces you to be creative in incorporating veggies into your meals throughout the day. Eating sautéed spinach as part of breakfast or lunch has really become a thing for me, who knew how easy and delicious it could be!So, how did I do? Well, I lost a total of 7 pounds in the 21 Days. Throughout the course of the 21 days, I completed 15 of the workouts. So of course, I missed a few. Well, that is because life happened. My body was asking for rest, I got sick and I needed to listen and give in to what it was asking. (I have been trying to honor my body a lot more in this regard) Although I was not working out, I was still very mindful about what I was eating and making sure, I stuck to the containers. At first, I started having all these negative thoughts about getting sick and not being able to workout, “This always happens to me when I start a challenge, something always gets in the way”, “I am not where I wanted to be on the scale”, “I could have done more”. Some of these thoughts probably sound familiar to you, but this time, I decided to stop the negative talk and switch my views. I revisited what my original goal was with this challenge. That goal was to feel less bloated and lose a few pounds; I had never set a number. If I think about how I feel right now. I feel a whole ton better! Goal accomplished! :) I feel like I have a handle on my portions and quantities of each type of food again. Goal accomplished again! :)I was able to balance a goal I had for myself along with life! Not to mention holidays, and indulgences, but WITHIN REASON of the program. I cannot stress that enough. The holidays is not a time to disrespect your body just because it is different from your normal routine. By looking at things this way, I would say that I definitely succeeded! And I am ready for my 30th birthday trip to New York City on Thursday! I will be entering my 30’s feeling fiercer than I have ever felt!
Outcome: Another successful round of the 21 Day Fix.What are you waiting for? Hugs and Kisses,Andrea