Superfoods: What They Are and What You Should Eat
I used to hear the term superfoods often, and to be quite honest, I wasn’t entirely sure what that mean. I thought it meant that they were foods that were really good for you, however; not sure of the extent or the reasoning.I am very excited to share that after having been enlightened on the topic of super foods, I want to very simply explain some of them to you and help you to start incorporating them into to your lifestyle so that you can reap all of their amazing benefits! And good news, chances are you might already be consuming them and don’t even know it!So, what are they? Superfoods don’t have a real scientific definition but for the sake of giving them some weight, they can be defined as food with high-levels of nutrients and may also provide other health benefits. There is a GREAT chance that consuming them will have positive effects on your heath, they are often a great source of antioxidants and can help with things like fighting diseases and slowing down aging (who wouldn’t want that!).There are quite a number of foods that can fall under this category, but I don’t want to bombard you with so many that you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Instead I will share with you some of my favourite super foods and easy ways to get them into your routine. The items pictured alongside the list are the brands I use at home, if you’re needing some tips on what to look for in the stores!Goji Berries – these are great for making your own little trail mixes! They are similar inconsistency to dried cranberries but much chewier. I usually mix a handful of these with 10-12 almonds and some cacao nibs for a great snack (see another post soon for build your own trail mix!) Benefits of these little guys: boosting immune function, relieving fatigue, preventing the growth of cancer cells, and they are also loaded with antioxidants.
Kale – I add Kale into my smoothies every single morning! I sautée it up in some super greens mix every time I make my grain bowls and I just jump at the chance to devour homemade kale chips. Kale is a must for me! The biggest benefits for you from kale are that kale leaves have a high concentration of antioxidant vitamins A, C and K! Tons of fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron! I get pretty excited about Kale.Garlic – I have forever loved garlic for its flavour. You can often catch me doubling the amount of garlic that a recipe I am cooking calls for, but it turns out garlic falls into the superfood umbrella too. Yay! It’s known to be a cancer fighting, anti-inflammatory and an anti viral kind of food!Fermented Foods – Kombucha or Sauerkraut- If you follow me on social media, you will
know I am a Kombucha drinking, sauerkraut eating fanatic. I love them for their gut-loving perks. They can help to improve your digestion, restore balance in the gut and increase your immunity. Having a healthy gut can help with your emotional well being, they are so connected. Your gut produces serotonin, similar to how your brain does and serotonin is influential on your mood. Go figure! So, grab a kombucha and drink up! Sauerkraut can be easily added to any salad, grain bowl, stir fry or morning eggs!As I mentioned before, the list could go on: hemp seeds/chia seeds, acai berries, coconut oil.. so if you want more information on those, research way. To start you off however; take these easy tips on getting more of these good superfoods into your everyday!Hugs and Kisses,