Sleep: The Natural Healer
In the busyness that is today's world, our minds sometimes don’t stop. We are constantly wrapped up in this ‘there are not enough hours in the day’ mentality and that ‘we can sleep when were dead’ concept. Though I am hustling hard to build my health and wellness empire, I am constantly reminding myself and taking the time to ensure I have a good nights sleep. Truth is, I love my sleep! There is nothing better than crawling into my bed after a long day and drifting off to sleep. As a mom, I don’t always get enough of it (early rising toddler over here), and I really feel the effects if I am sleep deprived.This is actually quite a fitting post for right now too. This past weekend was filled with lots of fun and what feels like very little sleep. On Friday night, I went to a country concert with a girlfriend. On Saturday night, we were out of town for a close friends wedding- with a bunch of our other friends. That turned into a past 3 am bedtime and an early morning for breakfast and check out. Needless to say, I was hurting this morning with the lack of sleep. Driving to work I was pooched! My eyes felt so heavy and I think I even closed them for a second at a stoplight. Guilty! To combat the sluggish feeling, I drank lots of water, loaded up on veggies and took a lunchtime stroll outdoors. All of these things totally helped, but I am looking forward to getting to bed early tonight!Sleep is so important. It is the only time our bodies are really at rest, and with all we put it through throughout the day, this time is so sacred. Our bodies need it! Sleep is actually just as important as eating well and exercising for our overall health. This is the time where your body does its most important work. While you are sleeping your brain is preparing for the next day, your heart and blood vessels work on repairing themselves, your hormones can balance out and your immune system is working to stay healthy.The average adult requires 7-8 hours of sleep her night (I prefer 9 if I can get it!). For children, the requirements are event more, up to 13 hours needed (including naps), so parents, make sure your kids are getting the sleep they need to grow!There are some pretty awesome benefits from getting enough sleep, but here are a list of some of the reasons why you need your sleep, as it relates to health, wellness and weight loss!
Poor Sleep is linked to Weight Gain
- Better sleep can improve your Productivity (bonus!)
- Better sleep = better workouts
- Poor Sleep is Linked to Depression
- Better Sleep can improve your memory
Sleep can have an effect on your entire quality of life!
For me, there is nothing worse than being exhausted while wanting to do all the fun things that life has to offer. So, I recommend you make it a priority, get the shut eye you need so you give your beautiful body the chance to be at it's best for you!On that note, I am going to do my nightly reading, spray my pillow and hit the sheets!Do you get enough sleep?Hugs and Kisses,