Toddler Essential Oils: Our Go Tos
Essential oils have changed how we approach wellness in our home, and with my daughter, there is no exception. As a 3 year old who is constantly absorbing what is going on around her, and is always wanting to learn, I have enjoyed getting to share these tools and this experience with her, and her being able to reap the benefits as well.Shortly after I got my first diffuser, she would comment the smells in the house. Referring to the "purple bottles" and wanting to put the oils in our main floor diffuser herself, I knew we needed to get her one for her room. This would be my gift to her. The gift of calm, the gift of better sleep and the gift of natural on her soft and delicate skin.She now has her own little collection of oils in her room. Most nights, she will choose what she would like in her diffuser, and if she is battling a bit of a bug (which doesn't happen too often, despite the daycare germs) then we have our holistic remedies we use to boost her back to wellness faster than you can say "essential oils". Today, I want to share with you Clara's oils and why we chose them for her collection.Peace and Calming- this emotionally balancing oil is great for littles who need help relaxing. A blend of 5 different oils (including ylang ylang, patchouli and orange) makes this combo very alluring. In fact, it's the one we use the most, and one I hate to go without! Because of the purity of Young Living's oils, we only need 2 drops and that is enough to promote a good night's rest and to help her unwind.Lavender- a well known go to oil. Also good for promoting relaxation, this was the first oil Clara fell in love with. It is great for balancing her little body and enhancing her mood.Gentle Baby- this blend is made specifically for littles and is already pre diluted in the bottle which means you can also rub it right on her body. (You can also do that with some other oils on them as well- but just ensure you consult someone who is knowledgeable about oils before you do!). There are actually 10 therapeutic grade oils in this blend- lemon, rosewood, lavender, geranium, roman chamomile... to name a few. If you are going to get ANY oils for your toddlers, or even your babies, start with this one!Copaiba- the most underrated oil. I am here to shed some light!! Clara loves this one, and she's even great at pronouncing it (Co-pa-eeeee-ba). This oil is powerful! It helps to combat nervousness, anxiety and tension. It's also a wicked anti-inflammatory so great for all the little bumps and bruises toddlers can get. In addition to that, it can also be numbing which can help when teeth are coming in! Just one drop on your finger and rub it on their gums (I only advise doing this with Young Living oils, as they are transparently sourced and a company I trust for my family)The last oils that are not pictured here: RC and SniffleEase- these are our go to when she is feeling under the weather. SniffleEase is a great blend for when her nose is running and is sure to be in the diffuser at night when that's the case. RC (respiratory care) is great for those nasty coughs, and supports her respiratory system.
Life with a toddler can be a pretty wild ride! So I am glad we have these to support our days together, and give her the extra help when she needs it. Lord knows, some days we need all the help we can get. Solidarity to all the 2-4 year old mamas out there!If you have any interest in getting started using essential oils on yours or your littles, drop me a line to get started, or check out my page here.Hugs and Kisses,