What Are Essential Oils All About Anyways?
Maybe you have been hearing about them over social media, maybe you had no idea that people were using essential oils again, or maybe all you know about essential oils is that they are oils. Either way, I wanted to take some time to share with you a little bit about my experience with them, and also to educate you a bit more on how easy they are to use!I am a BIG fan of the holistic approach (that's no secret), and I am always looking for more whole natural options when it comes to foods, but more recently I have discovered a whole next level to that.
Essential oils are not a new thing! They have been around for hundreds of years. Think back to the bible... Baby Jesus was given Frankincense and Myrr in the manger. The Indigenous community has always been and still uses plants and natural ways of healing today! Essential Oils are created when you distill shrubs, plants, flowers, bushes and trees! They come from the earth! And these babies have immense healing properties!I was introduced to essential oils through a friend of mine who has been using them as a part of her lifestyle for a number of years. I had been dealing with pretty debilitating anxiety, almost daily- and I was desperate to try anything. She gave me a couple drops of Northern Lights Black Spruce on my wrist... and guys... I kid you not. I immediately felt calm. It was amazing. That is what hooked me.Aromatherapy is so powerful. Think about the smells of a spa...instant relaxation! Some of the scents there include lavender and eucalyptus- both essential oils :) Oils have amazing properties to holistically support us in all different kinds of ways. Spiritually, emotionally, physically, every way- ally.Oils can be used aromatically, but they can also be used topically. They are super easy to use and can be used in literally hundreds of different ways. Certain oils are to be used in certain ways so always make sure you are educated before you start!Aside from diffusing them.. all the time, I now use oils at home to help my digestion, to relieve sore muscles (think Rub A353, but natural!), to soothe bug bites, sun burns, help with cold symptoms for my daughter and myself , headache and allergy relief (I have taken noticeably less reactine this season so far!) as a delicious smelling pillow spray and to help with emotions and relaxation.

Honestly the list is endless! I am so excited about all these alternative ways to take care of myself and my family that align more with my holistic approach to life. What's even more exciting is my daughter is on board with it too! I am teaching her about the holistic lifestyle and self care!Exploring essential oils has been a great decision. And who knew it! I do now, and I want you to know too! They have some real ability to make changes to your life- so I say, give them a shot!And if you want to learn more, just drop me a line! Hugs and Kisses,